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The new reading sessions in October will be dedicated to some short stories from Racconti Dimenticati, by Elsa Morante. 

As usual, I suggest you to read the chapters before our meeting. We will read the book together at the reading session, discussing and focusing on some difficult expression, words and meaning, on emotions and feeling coming from the lecture and the message that the writer wanted to convey to readers.

If you like reading and you want to do it in Italian, don't hesitate and please ask me for Zoom invitation.

Sessions will be held on Saturday from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Sessions cost £10.

Next dates and topics:

Beginners and post beginners:

- momenti migliori e peggiori delle vacanze

- osserva e commenta la foto

- abituini alimentari

Intermediate and advanced:

- unicitá

- osserva e commenta la foto

- abitudini alimentari

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Next meeting:

Monday 14th November 



The best chance to test your ability to read and understand Italian newspaper articles, to enrich your vocabulary and also to practice your conversation skills.


This class will be held on:

  • October 19th  (for intermediate and advanced level) at 5.00pm


Attendance cost is £8.


The class will be held with a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 6.


Please contact me if you are interested.

Eventi passati...

Fausto Coppi

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Laboratori di Italiano

Incontro con la scrittrice Claudia Durastanti

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Aperitivo veneziano

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Cinema ottobre

Eventi passati...

Colazione siciliana

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